Saturday, February 16, 2008


SO i am bugged and figure i have a blog so now i have a place i can write about it. SO beware i am a little angry lol and hope this helps thanks guys!

Well i am peeved about the whole elections, no i guess i am more peeved about people who do not know what they are talking about talking i guess is how you put it. So i have a lot of friends who tell me they are now voting for Obama because Romney dropped out when i asked them what they liked about Obama over McCain they said um um um i just am voting for Obama! Okay PEOPLE have your own views and opinions when it comes to our president but please please please have a reason for it!!! go to freaking CNN and read about all the different canidiates issues and make your decision but please stop joining facebook groups if you dont know why you are changing your party, do us all a favor and do a little reaserch before making a decision!
I will even help you all out here is a link to CNN's issue section you can read all about it there!

thanks have a great day!