Friday, December 3, 2010

my kiddios....

So tonight we got back and i had to go to my business so we just ran in took coats off and shut the door.  Mistake number one.  When you have a 3 year old you always use the chain lock! After i got done just a few minutes later...I am no man who sits and reads FOREVER! (please tell me I am not alone in having a husband who does this?!) anyway back on track, i came out and felt a breeze walked out and the girls were sitting out side waiting for grandma who was about 4 hours away :). 
Don't worry Jackie made sure to put her coat on and Abbys coat....Abbys was upside down still amazed she got it on her!
So moral of the story use a chain, if you don't have one i guess you trust your three year old to get herself and the one year old in coats....I am thinking i will just now make that Jackie's job :) one less thing for me to do when running out of the house ;)  !

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