Wednesday, April 2, 2008


For all those of you who have just looked at my blog you might notice it underwent a style change...thats because my dear friend Jenn remade it for me and made it soo cute! So THANKS JENN!!! Your the best I LOVE IT!!!!! :) for reals its sooo cute and other people agree too!!! and they all want to know how i did it lol :)


Jennifer said...

No problem! It was really fun, actually. If you have any friends that want me to do theirs too, just tell them to e-mail me their pictures and kinda what they want it to look like, and I'll do theirs too. It's not like I have so much more to do in my busy life! haha! I'm glad you like it. :)

Patrick, Adrienne, Isabella, & Makenzie said...

i wanna know how to do it! so i can change it whenever i want :-p can't she share how to do it? :-p

Jennifer said...

Well, you can go to my blog and see there is a link to custom design your blogs. But it doesn't have everything on it. You're welcome to try it though! Good luck!! :)

Danielle said...

i don't know you jennifer but thank you thank you! :):):)

Wendy said...

Hey Jess - - You must have a pretty talented friend!! Would love to have you and Jackie come up to the house on Saturday. She is growing so quickly - and she is so darn cute!!

Patrick, Adrienne, Isabella, & Makenzie said...

okay girl... UPDATE!