I am one of those people who really love their birthdays :)! I have a lot of fun and love doing things with all my loved ones! This year I had a wonderful wonderful birthday! I guess it all started on Sunday the day before when we went up the canyon with my dad and fam to celebrate my birthday and by brother Chris (his birthday is June 26th) we had a lot of fun and I got a flip video camera! So i am excited to have that to take videos of the girls!
Monday I had to work, my sweet husband made me breakfast and took me to work so he could come bring me a picnic for lunch :)! After work my mom came and watch our girls so we could get out for a night off! We went out to dinner and then went camping up Provo canyon to Mt. Timpanogos Campground, we were going to go to Granite Flats but when i saw the campground i had to stay! It was right on the river which was so pretty and so wonderful! (i forgot my camera :( )
We had such a nice time just being together and getting some good alone time in!! It was really nice to just be up in the mountains together with out other distractions! And man i love taking time to just get away from everything! It was kinda nice to know our cell phones would not ring and it was just us! We got a wonderful nights sleep lol best i have had since i got pregnant with Abigail which seems all sorts of wrong but it was so wonderful! In the morning Derek made me a wonderful breakfast and told me it was my birthday day 2 he said i get a 2 day long birthday since i am so great! and then we took down camp and headed down the mountain.
We had talked about going Mt. bike ridding but we would have had to go to Alpine and i really wanted to go to a movie too, so we decided to save mountain biking for another day. We went to see Knight and Day (we snuck in lots of goodies!!) Can I tell you HOW good it was!! We both loved it!! After the movie we walked around the mall and Derek got me 2 pairs of shoes! :)! Then we went back to our girls, who did great with grandma and really just did not miss us very much (although Jackie keeps telling me i am not supposed to go camping without her family )
My mom then took us out for dinner at Texas Road House! It was SO good and we had a lot of fun!! I had a wonderful birthday! I am so lucky to have such wonderful people in my life to share it with! I feel really old hitting that 25 mark but i am loving my life with my wonderful family!
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Thursday, June 17, 2010
9 months for Ms Abigail
**note look at the date...i set this to post tomorrow but it posted today with tomorrows date.....
WOW Abigail can you believe its been 9 whole months since you have come into our lives. I can hardly believe it! You are changing and learning so fast!
You still absolutely adore your big sister Jackie. You love to watch her run around and play. Now you do try to join in, crawl to here and play with her and her toys. As of now Jackie still absolutely loves this and, loves when you come to play with her! I think you two will be best friends!
You love kisses! Any kind really, any time you get kisses it makes you laugh. You open your mouth really wide to get kisses! Mommy loves to give you kisses all day long!
You crawl so well now! You picked it up so fast! You love to crawl all around our condo, you no longer have to be left in a room and you love it. If mommy leaves you in one room you will come find me, or you will go in search of Jackie if she is not around
I think you would live in the grass if I would let you. You love to sit on the grass and play with it. You crawl all around outside exploring and trying to eat dirt. I am trying to explain to you dirt is not to eat but you seem to disagree
Speaking of eating, you are a champ eater! You love to eat! Real food is about all you eat now, baby food is of no interest really anymore. You just want what we are eating and you love to feed yourself! Avocados are still one of your favorites you seriously love me to just dice them up and you go to town! I think eggs are a favorite too! We have omelets a lot and you love them! We had taco salads the other night and you went to town on the black beans! I am thinking your going to be a wonderful eater just like big sis!
You are saying a few words here and there. Dada is most common when you want him or to be held you will yell that! I do get a mama every now and then, and a Hi once in a while! :)
You are still sleeping pretty good you go to bed around 10 and get up around 9, you get up about once to eat.
You really are such a mild and easy baby! You have the happiest and easiest personality! I love it! You hardly fuss and love to just play around and do your thing! :) We love you!
WOW Abigail can you believe its been 9 whole months since you have come into our lives. I can hardly believe it! You are changing and learning so fast!
You still absolutely adore your big sister Jackie. You love to watch her run around and play. Now you do try to join in, crawl to here and play with her and her toys. As of now Jackie still absolutely loves this and, loves when you come to play with her! I think you two will be best friends!
You love kisses! Any kind really, any time you get kisses it makes you laugh. You open your mouth really wide to get kisses! Mommy loves to give you kisses all day long!
You crawl so well now! You picked it up so fast! You love to crawl all around our condo, you no longer have to be left in a room and you love it. If mommy leaves you in one room you will come find me, or you will go in search of Jackie if she is not around
I think you would live in the grass if I would let you. You love to sit on the grass and play with it. You crawl all around outside exploring and trying to eat dirt. I am trying to explain to you dirt is not to eat but you seem to disagree
Speaking of eating, you are a champ eater! You love to eat! Real food is about all you eat now, baby food is of no interest really anymore. You just want what we are eating and you love to feed yourself! Avocados are still one of your favorites you seriously love me to just dice them up and you go to town! I think eggs are a favorite too! We have omelets a lot and you love them! We had taco salads the other night and you went to town on the black beans! I am thinking your going to be a wonderful eater just like big sis!
You are saying a few words here and there. Dada is most common when you want him or to be held you will yell that! I do get a mama every now and then, and a Hi once in a while! :)
You are still sleeping pretty good you go to bed around 10 and get up around 9, you get up about once to eat.
You really are such a mild and easy baby! You have the happiest and easiest personality! I love it! You hardly fuss and love to just play around and do your thing! :) We love you!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Saturday Jackie had enough money in her piggy bank to go buy her doll. She was pretty excited and kept yelling YAY I GET TO GO BUY MY DOLL WITH MY MONEY!
lol we brought her piggy bank to the store. She went and picked our princess tiana, when it came time to pay for her she happily emptied her piggy bank for the lady.
We did not have a problem until the lady started to take her money.....Jackie was NOT very happy with this. She wanted to keep her money and her doll :) lol.
She was better after Derek opened her doll and she got to hold her, but still it was semi tramatic for her to have to spend her money. But that was what we wanted we want her to understand working for money to buy things....so i guess it worked some what.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
the little things sure add up!
Sometimes i get into a woe is me mode, a complaining mode, and then i seem to get a lot of cute little things that happen to make me realize how absolutely wonderful my life is!
Here are some of the little things
Here are some of the little things
- Jackie walking around baring her testimony
- Jackie reminding me to say prayers
- Jackie being able to say prayers all by her self
- Abby's wonderful little smile that brightens my day!
- Abby's laugh brightens my day!
- Rocking my baby to sleep
- Watching my girls play together
- a picnic with my family
- My "princess" for a daughter
- A wonderful husband who loves me dearly and would do anything for me!
- weight loss
- our wonderful families who care deeply about us
- 2 wonderful jobs that give us money to live in our wonderful condo!
- a car that gets us from point a to b (regardless of the ability to keep us cool!)
Friday, June 4, 2010
Five Friday Favorites
My favorite favorite would have to be Adoption. I am so grateful for this process so my brother and his wife could be come parents. This is little Isla (said I-la) Grace Garner They are truly wonderful people and are going to be amazing parents! I am so thankful for Cassie (the birth mom) and her selflessness to give them her baby! You should read their blog here

These pans from Bed Bath and Beyond I got for Mothers Day seriously make me giddy every time i cook! They work so so so well and I LOVE that they can go from stove top to oven :) They just make me happy happy happy happy plus it was only 49.95 for both!
Have you seen the sun lately! Its been out! This is an amazing thing maybe spring/summer is really here!!
Living in Utah my whole life i never fully appreciated green, green grass, green trees just green. In Alamogordo there was not a lot of green. It was one of the things i missed most while we lived there. So yes this tops my favorite list!! :)
My little helper
When I was in the hospital with Abby Jackie became obsessed with piggy banks. She would not stop talking about them. Any way she just got one (yeah i know horrible parents) I explained to her that a piggy bank can hold...MONEY. She was pretty excited. i told her that she could save her money to buy a princess doll (currently its Princess Tiana she is saving for, but it switches to Sleeping Beauty sometimes) I want my kids to get the concept of work for money so they get where mommy and daddy go (Jackie thinks we go to work so she can go get hamburgs at McDonald) We explained to her if she saved up half we would buy the other half (somehow it did not click that i would end up paying for the whole thing lol) she has been doing extra jobs to earn money for her piggy bank. Her favorite is putting the silverware away when the dishes are clean.
Last night I heard the dishwasher was on, i looked in the sink it was full so i asked my brother Alex (hes staying with us for 2 weeks) why he started it when it was not all the way full, he said he did not do it. SO i opened the dishwasher and Jackie came running, "MOMMY i started it so the dishes could be clean so i could do my jobs to get more money, turn it back on" Lol she is a silly smart baby who will get to take her piggy bank soon to buy a princess doll.
Kids grow up to fast, it does not seem like my little Jackie should be old enough to do any of this. But oh how i love her!
Last night I heard the dishwasher was on, i looked in the sink it was full so i asked my brother Alex (hes staying with us for 2 weeks) why he started it when it was not all the way full, he said he did not do it. SO i opened the dishwasher and Jackie came running, "MOMMY i started it so the dishes could be clean so i could do my jobs to get more money, turn it back on" Lol she is a silly smart baby who will get to take her piggy bank soon to buy a princess doll.
Kids grow up to fast, it does not seem like my little Jackie should be old enough to do any of this. But oh how i love her!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Things i find myself saying daily
"Jackie your kisses are so very sweet but please be soft with Abby"
"Jackie those hugs are so nice, but please stop hugging Abby"
"Jackie, your a sweet big sister but please stop playing with Abby"
"Jackie i love your hugs but please stop hugging my neck"
"Jackie i know you think you are not tired, but I bet you could fall asleep"
"Jackie, Abby does not want to be a princess right now"
"Bed time 5 minutes"
"Jackie please don't feed your food to Abby"
"Abby we don't eat dirt"
"Jackie, I mean "enter princess name here""
"No we are not going to McDonald's tonight"
"Sorry we can't go to Grandpas house today"
"Mommy's tired"
"Laughing Bear (Abby) is not laughing she is sleeping"
-"oh she is being a sleeping bear, lets wake her up so she can be a laughing bear" -Jackie
- "No she wants to be a sleeping bear"
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