Monday, March 21, 2011

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No that title is not a mis type that is how i currently feel! We just got told we have to move out of our condo.  I love our condo as in its our home and I really love it.  I have a freaking awesome kitchen, ward, friends, rent price, I love it.  I love that we can run out side to a play ground.  I love that we are on the bottom floor so we can just run outside.  I love everything about it.  *sigh*

I hate that just when things were looking better this happened.  But as I learned in the past the Lord loves to test us, one thing i have learned from the last 1.5 years is how much the Lord loves me and will help me, this is just another bump in the road to get through, hoping its leading to brighter and better ways. 

So now the quest to find a new place quickly is in full swing KSL is going to be my new best friend.  Hoping that there is a getter purpose for us having to move out and leave.  Hoping that Jackie wont freak out about leaving her friends who she loves so much.  Hoping Derek and I can handle leaving our ward we love so dearly. 

So if you know anything let me know 3 bedrooms no more then $800 a month.  and just to let out a little more frustrations

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ahhh much better


Margot said...

Oh, I feel your pain! I am so sorry! Here are a few things I found on Craigslist that fit your requirements. I hope you can find the right place quickly.

Mary said...

I'm sorry Jess! I hope you find something. If it makes you feel any better, we're on the hunt for a 3 bedroom apartment/condo as well but out here they're going for $2800+. :(